Why Cuba Will Always Hold My Heart

Cuba is one of those unique spaces in this world that have a way of awakening your soul. Its history, plagued by struggle and hardship, yet rooted in a passion for freedom and equality. Its streets filled with stories, radios blasting with music that takes over your body and makes you feel it down to your core. Friendly faces, greeting you from every corner; faces that manage their daily lives with limited resources that many of us take for granted, yet always willing to offer a smile and a welcoming air to your space. Many have faced that feeling of uncertainty at the thought of visiting Cuba, with its restrictions and constant debate over political conflict. From afar, we are treated to songs from Cuban artists, some of which invite us to imagine a space where your heart belongs, while others speak of the hardships even when those cannot be fully expressed due to censorship. Walking around Havana, there is an inexplicable feeling in the air. It’s a world that appears to h...